Chair – Tom Pepper Secretary – Ian Ball
- David Lloyd x 2
- Dunnington x 2
- Kirkbymoorside
- Malton
- University Students
- Wigginton x 2
- York
- Bridlington
- Pocklington
- Scarborough
- St Peters
- Thornton Le Dale
Revitalisation of the Y&DSL – Dunnington
Dunnington proposed changing to 3-person teams in division 1 to revitalise the league
The other 80% of the league would not be affected but still see revitalisation because of this change.
Inconclusive discussion, Chair to produce proposal for a change to the structure of Division 1 to be voted on by the team captains of div 1 (simple majority).
The proposal would also offer a return to Div 1 for Dunnington who currently cannot field a Div 1 standard team.
Fixture Rearrangement – Kirkbymoorside/Secretary
Kirkbymoorside request update to the rules regarding failing to fulfil fixtures.
Amendments proposed:
Reduce minimum team number from 4 to 3 (currently 4)
Passed 6-4
Secretary requested AGM instruction on applying rule 5.3.
This became the proposal from KMS seconded by Wigginton for Rule 5,3 to be amended to
5.3 If any team fails to honour a fixture they receive zero points for that match and have 10 points deducted from their total league points score. Their opponents will receive maximum points. At least three players are required to fulfil a fixture and must play in nomination order. Cancelling a fixture within 48 hours or failing to fulfil a fixture with the minimum number of players will incur a club fine at the rate of 2 times the team entry fee to the league.
League Scoring – Wigginton
Proposal to overturn AGM decision of 2019 regarding a move to Par-11 scoring through out the league and replace with Par-11 for division 1 and Par-15 for lower divisions.
Passed – Unanimous
Proposal to overturn AGM decision of 2019 regarding a move to Par-11 scoring throughout the league and replace wtih par-15 for div 2
Tied vote For 4 Against 4 – Abstentions 2
Proposal rejected
Dunnington requested Chair be a one year position moving around clubs.
No nominations for Chair were received ahead of the meeting. Tom Pepper offered to continue for a further year.
Chair – Tom Pepper – accepted unanimously
No nominations for Secretary were received ahead of the meeting. Ian Ball offered to continue for a further year.
Secretary – Ian Ball – accepted unanimously
No nominations for Treasurer were received ahead of the meeting. Ian Ball offered to continue for a further year.
Treasurer – Ian Ball – accepted unanimously