York Open Champion 2019 : Matt Stephenson (Dunn)
Finalist : Nathan Hill (Dunn)
Plate Winner : George Pethulis (Dunn)
Plate Finalist : Dan Adams (DL)
Held at Dunnington Squash the 2019 York Open proved a combative affair with much grumbling but the number one seed Matt Stephenson, saw off the challenge of four-time champion Nathan Hill in 4 games making him a multi-title winner having won the event in 2017.
The earlier match between David Lloyds Dan Adams and Dunningtons George Pethhulis was a long winded battle with high paced retrieval being the focus and despite going behind in the 5th, George finished the stronger claiming the Plate winners medal.
Many thanks to host club Dunnington for their support of the event, and to organiser Ed Shannon without whom the event would have been forgotten.